Xbox 360 Reviews
Left 4 Dead 2 (Uncut Version) 360 Review
Zombies are now common place in the world of games as opposed to just movies. Many games are bowing down to the zombie craze, and Left 4 Dead, when released, was the most stand out one of them all. But now with the release of its sequel a year on; the aptly named Left 4 Dead 2, does it still...
The Saboteur 360 Review
No, not a video game adaption of Hitchcock’s masterpiece (that probably wouldn’t be very good anyway), but a WWII-set third person sandbox adventure game with stealth, action, fast-paced racing and slight RPG elements. Sound good, eh? Well before you jumping on the French Resistance band wagon,...
NBA 2K10 360 Review
As the case has been for several years now, 2K Sports have released their latest iteration of their highly successful basketball franchise. Does this year’s game improve enough on its predecessor to warrant a purchase from fans of the game? Read on to find out.
In terms of play...
Rogue Warrior 360 Review
Rogue Warrior is roughly based on the life and times of real life SEAL legend Richard Marcinko, well at least one particular (note; entirely fiction) mission of his. An intelligent blend of stealth and action put into a first person perspective makes the game a unique player in a time of generic...
Assassin's Creed II 360 Review
First it was Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad, running through 1191 Jerusalem on a mission between the league of Assassins and the ancient order of Templar, out to change history and rewrite the record books. In truth this was all played out in the mind of Desmond Miles, trapped in the future and hooked up...
The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned (DLC) 360 Review
Borderlands, the hit Gearbox game that took the world by storm in October gets its first taste of DLC with Zombie Island of Dr. Ned. The game has a great DLC potential with its simple yet elegant way to travel between locations via the many Fast-Travel stations, which ensure that the people and...
360 XBLA Review - Call of Duty Classic
Bundled with special editions of the gaming mammoth Modern Warfare 2, and set to be released at an undisclosed date on the Xbox LIVE arcade, Call of Duty: Classic is an updated port of the game that started it all; the original Call of Duty. For the first time ever, console gamers get their...
Dragon Age: Origins 360 Review
“From the creators of Mass Effect”. This disclaimer alone is enough to bring a tear the eye. I understand that Dragon Age is a new game for a next-gen console, and to be fair Mass Effect is the last great thing Bioware ever made, but it really does both the game and its long history a...
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 360 Review
It’s been called the game of the year, even the game of the decade, and some have gone as far so to call it the best game of all time. And now, All Age Gaming brings you a full review of one of the most anticipated games of all time; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The game gives players...
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 360 Review
The THQ WWE games have been a steady source of entertainment for years upon years, especially this generation, where they have really taken the helm for the wrestling genre, towering over all others such as TNA Impact and Legends of Wrestling series. With the game industry booming, and the...
Forza Motorsport 3 360 Review
The original Forza was the pick-of-the-litter of original Xbox racing games, and the second was a fine example of the Xbox 360's power and community strength, but Forza 3 takes what we love and know about not just the series, but racing games in general, and revs it into overdrive to deliver...
Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony 360 Review
Meet Luis Fernando Lopez: Hispanic playboy and a bit of a momma’s boy. Drug pusher by day and philandering bodyguard by night. Specifically, protecting one of Liberty Cities most prolific gay socialites, Tony Prince; nightclub owner and aging misogynist. Luis is just the latest in a long line...
Borderlands 360 Review
Welcome to Pandora: Land of opportunity, plentiful bounty, angry alien critters, oh- and about 17 million different guns. Although Borderlands has been out for a few weeks already, AAG have been diligently power leveling our way through the different maps and missions to bring you the...
360 XBLA Review - Zombie Apocalypse
What do you get when you take Left 4 Dead, turn it into a top-down shooter and splash a bit of the Xbox classic Hunter: The Reckoning in there and a little Geometry Wars, then smack an 800 Microsoft Point price tag on it and publish it over LIVE? This; Zombie Apocalypse. But while that...
Brutal Legend 360 Review
Heavy Metal is often looked down upon by society despite being arguably the largest and most popular genre of music in the world. The reasons for this vary from misguided reputation to misinformed media writings. So it’s not very often that someone or something takes metal and turns it into...